- Graduate from Recognized University.
- Speed of 90 Words Per Minute in Gujarati Short Hand.
- Knowledge of Computer Operation.(CCC/CCC+)
- All eligible Candidates after payment of their Examination Fees in the Bank Account as mentioned in Para No. 3 above, should apply ‘Online‘, through the link provided in High Court Website www.gujarathighcourt.nic.in OR http://hc-ojas.guj.nic.in, in the prescribed format from 14/02/2014 to 28/02/2014.
- Practical/ Skill (Stenography) Test AND Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview) will be held on April/May 2014.
- Starting Date for Online Application: 14/02/2014
- Last Date for Online Application: 28/02/2014
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