Gujarat High Court Declared Result of Peon Recruitment, 2014. This exam was held on 06 April, 2014 at various districts of Gujarat and conducted by High Court of Gujarat. You can view result which is showing the Name of shortlisted Candidates who have secured minimum 50% passing marks (General Category) and 45% passing marks (Reserved Category – SC/ST/SEBC/PH) Congratulation of Successful Candidates – Gujarat Rojgar Team Exam Held on 06/04/2014 Advt. No. RC/1434/2013(V) Download Gujarat High Court Peon Result Click Here ]]>
peon na result ma misteck thai che .gana vidhyarthi mitro A 70 jetla marks dharya hata chata pan passing result ma amnu naam j bellief jevi exam ma 20,000 pass thata hoy to peon ma 3500 j kemna thay.?