BMRCL Recruitment 2016: Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited Recruitment 2016: BMRCL Jobs 2016, BMRCL Engineer, BMRCL Assistant Engineer, BMRCL Jr. Engineer, Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) Published its Recruitment Notification for the Joint Venture of Government of India and Government of Karnataka for the Post of Executive Engineer, Assistant Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer Section Engineer, Jr. Engineer on its official website and other details are in mention below.
BMRCL Recruitment 2016
Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited, a Joint Venture of Government of India and Government of Karnataka, is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) entrusted with the responsibility of implementing the Metro Rail Project in the city of Bangalore. BMRCL invites applications from qualified and experienced personnel for appointment to middle and junior level Engineering positions in the Project Wing. All appointments proposed will be on “contract basis” only. The maximum age limit for the post of Executive Engineer is 50 years, Asst. Executive Engineer is 40 years and for Assistant Engineer, Section Engineer and Junior Engineer is 35 years.
Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Recruitment 2016 ~ Apply 50 Vacacnies on
No. of posts: 50
Name of posts:
- Executive Engineer:10 Posts
- Assistant Executive Engineer:10 Posts
- Assistant Engineer:10 Posts
- Section Engineer:10 Posts
- Engineer:10 Posts
Education Qualification & Experience : Pls. Candidates See in Official notification.
Age limit: Executive Engineer is 50 years, Asst. Executive Engineer is 40 years and for Assistant Engineer, Section Engineer and Junior Engineer is 35 years.
Selection process:
Candidates should submit applications in the prescribed format along with copies of all the relevant certificates, testimonials as prescribed for the post The application of any candidate found guilty of impersonation or submitting fabricated documents or making statements, which are false or incorrect or indulging in suppression of facts, attempting to use unfair means for the purpose of recruitment, will be liable for rejection. The candidates shall have to appear for interview as and when called, at their own cost.
Salary details: Pay Scale Rs 15600 – 39100 + GP Rs 6600 for S.N 01, GP Rs 5400 for S.N 02, GP Rs 4800 for S.N 03, GP Rs 4200 for S.N 04 and GP Rs 2400 for S.N 05.
How to apply: Interested & Eligible Candidates May Apply BMRCL Jobs for Applications in the prescribed format may be addressed to the
General Manager (HR), Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited, III Floor, BMTC Complex, K.H.Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore 560027 superscribing the envelope as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ………………………………..”.
Important Dates :
BMRCL Jobs Application Receipt Last date: 22/08/2016
[caption id="attachment_10108" align="alignleft" width="650"] Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited Recruitment 2016[/caption]
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