GSERB Conducted Gujarat TAT 2014 Exam which is For Teachers in Secondary School Was Conducted on 27/07/2014. More than 2 lakhs Candidates Given TAT Exam 2014,Now all candidate eagerly waiting for GSEB TAT Answer Key/Paper Solution of TAT. Gujrat TET Answer Sheet 2014 will be Released Shortly On the Official Website. or GSEB TAT Exam Subject Social Science,Maths, Language and One Common Paper (General Knowledge) for all candidate GSEB TAT answer sheet 2014 set A B C D wise, Gujarat TAT answer key 2014 pdf download
Questions asked in Gujarat TAT Exam 27/07/2014
Anvik urja ma urenium nu shreshta swaproop kayu che? U238 Kalchakr vidhi Sheni sahte saklayeli che? Jainvaad Baharna kaan no akar shena lidhe hoy che? Articular Cartilage Oodisi Nrutya mul kaya rajya mathi avyu che? O+ blood vala balak ne___ blood group mata hovu ashakya che? Rasikarn ae___ Rogpartikarak shakti nu samanarthi che? Natural Active 8 bit=____ Byte Hodi harifai (Boat Race) kaya festival ni vishesta che Onam All motion is relative given by Albert Einstein Kadambari kone lakhi che? Baan bhatt Whatsapp na sthapak kon? Jan Koum Meghdoot kone lakhi? Kalidas ANTARA Kaya desh ni news sanstha che? Indonesian news and updating…. Provisional And Official Answer Key of TAT 2014 will be Updated on or on,Official Answer Key of TAT (Secondary)- July 2014
GEN(G) [Paper 1 ] | |
(311)Mathes/Science | |
(316)English | |
(317)Sanskrit | |
(301)Gujarati | |
(314)Hindi | |
(310)Social Science | |
(333)Krushi | |
(340)Physical Education | |
(324)Computer | |
(337)Drawing |
Sare jaha se achcha got kone rachyu?
B Mohmad Iqbal
Boat race onam answer ave
Boat race is ONAM festival not pongal (Pagal Logo) Mera bharat mahan
puri answer key bhejo na
Hindi ki anewser key galat hai esamai jyadater anewser galat hai
No sufficient time.for both papers