Kendriya Vidyalaya Mehsana ONGC has published Advertisement for Various Post Graduate Teacher, Primary Teacher, Yoga Teacher Computer Instructor, Councellor, for below mentioned Posts 2019. Interested & eligible candidates apply KV Mehsana PGT / TGT Teacher Jobs 2019 given below check details.
Name of Posts:
- Post Graduate Teachers
- English
- Hindi
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Economics
- Commerce
- Maths
- Biology
- History
- Geography
- Trained Graduate Teachers
- English
- Hindi
- St
- Science
- Sanskrit
- Maths
- Primary Teacher
- Computer Instructor
- Counsellor
- Yoga Coach
Educational Qualification: Please read Official Recruitment notification for education degree details.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply: Interested candidates are requested to remain present along with all original certificates to the given address in the advertisement.
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Kendriya Vidyalaya ONGC Mehsana is going to conduct a Walk – in- Interview to prepare a panel for following posts on contractual basis for session 2019-20. Eligible candidates are requested to report at 08:30 a.m. with original documents in the Vidyalaya premises as per following schedule-
![Kendriya Vidyalaya ONGC Mehsana PGT / TGT Teacher, Councellor, Computer Instructor Recruitment 2019]()
Important Dates- Last date for application: 21-02-2019
- Interview dates:
- PGTs (all subjects), TGTs (all subjects), Computer Instructor: 23-02-2019
- PRTs, Sports Coach, Educational Counselor, Yoga Coach: 25-02-2019
- Registration time: 8:30 am
For more details about application form and eligibility, visit the Vidyalaya website . The candidates may send their applications along with copies of certificates by post to Vidyalaya address up to 21st February-2019.]]>