Recruitment 2016: CSIR Bhavnagar Recruitment Notification: CSIR – Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI), Bhavnagar Published its Recruitment Notification as a walk in interview for the post of RA, JRF & Project Assistant on its official website and other details are in mention below. Recruitment 2016 ~ Apply On
The Molecular Biology and Biotechnology group of MBE Division of CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, Gujarat is actively engaged in multidisciplinary research in frontier areas of modern biology and biotechnology such as stress genomics & proteomics, transgenics, plant-microbe interactions, skin microbiome, metagenomics, marine biotechnology, adaptation biology, gene mining and translational research. We are looking for young, talented & motivated persons (M.Sc. in Plant Molecular Biology / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology/ Botany) to work as Research Associate (3 post) and JRF/PA-II (12 post) for various ongoing projects. Further details including qualification, fellowship, age, and application format are available on institute’s website ( Interested candidates fulfilling the required qualifications are invited to appear in Walk-in-Interview on 22. 07. 2016 (9.30 a.m.) at CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar. Total no of Posts: 15 Name of Posts & Education:- Research Associate:
- Ph.D. with at least one publication in SCI journals with Impact factor.
- JRF:
- M.Sc. or equivalent degree with 55% marks + JRF (having a valid National level fellowship)
- Project Assistant-II
- M.Sc. with minimum 55% marks + Net-LS/GATE
- Project Assistant-II
- M.Sc. with minimum 55% marks