IOCL Diploma Engineer Indian Oil Corporation Limited, the largest commercial undertaking in India and a Fortune “Global 500” Company, as a measure of Skill Building Initiative for the Nation, proposes to engage Apprentices at its Mathura Refinery at Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. Applications are invited from candidates meeting the following qualification & other parameters for engagement as Apprentices under Apprentices Act, 1961 / 1973 (as amended from time to time) in the Trade/Disciplines mentioned below: IOCL Engineer Apprentice Educational Qualification, Provisional Number of seats in Apprentice category including likely reservation shall be as follows. The consolidated stipend payable shall be as mentioned below or as revised (under the Act) from time to time (whichever is higher). Reservation will be applicable as per the prescribed percentage for recruitment applicable to the state of Uttar Pradesh.
IOCL Diploma Apprentice Recruitment 2016
No. of Post : 65
Name of Post- Trade Apprentice (Attendant Operator – Chemical Plan) : 21
- 3 Years Full Time B.Sc. (Physics, Math’s, Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry)
- Trade Apprentice (Fitter) Discipline Mechanical : 08
- Metric with 02 Years ITI (Fitter) course
- Technician Apprentice : 36
- Chemical : 14
- Full Time Diploma in Chemical Engineering / Refinery & Petrochemicals Engineering.
- Electrical : 12
- 3 Years Full Time Diploma in Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical : 04
- Full Time Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- Instrumentation : 06
- Full Time Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering
Diploma civil engineering