IOCL Recruitment 2016: IOCL Engineer Jobs, IOCL Officer, IOCL Gate 2017 Jobs, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) Published its Recruitment Notification for the post of Engineers / Officers through GATE-2017 on its official website and other details are in mention below.
IOCL Engineer Jobs 2016-17
Indian Oil Corporation are a transnational energy major and the highest ranked Indian company in the Fortune’s prestigious Global 500 list. We have once again been judged as one of the Great Places to Work in 2016 in a survey conducted by The Great Place to Work Institute and The Economic Times. Through last five decades of relentless service to the nation, we have emerged as the largest business enterprise in India with a turnover of Rs 3,99,601 crore in 2016-17. We operate one of the Asia’s largest networks of Refineries, Pipelines, Marketing and Petrochemicals business and own some of the most trusted brands like ‘Indane’ LPG and ‘SERVO’ lubricants. Empowered with Maharatna status, we are nurturing our Vision to be the ‘Energy of India’ and to become ‘A Globally Admired Company’IOCL Jobs 2016
IOCL are looking for energetic and dedicated Graduate Engineers (Indian Nationals only) for recruitment as Engineers/Officers. Recruitment in all the Engineering disciplines will be through Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2017. IOCL Apply Online Recruitment IOCL is In addition, few Graduate Engineers will be engagement as Graduate Apprentice Engineers (GAEs) in line with Apprenticeship Act, 1961(and subsequent amendments thereafter) in Refineries and Pipelines Divisions from Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation disciplines. GAEs are offered lump sum monthly stipend for a period of one year and on the basis of their satisfactory performance, they may be absorbed in the Corporation. Short-listing of candidates for further selection process (comprising Group Discussion (GD) & Group Task (GT) and Personal Interviews (PI)) will be based on GATE-2017 score. GATE score of 2016 or any other previous examination is not valid. Candidates will require to obtain minimum 40% marks in GD/GT and Personal Interview for being considered in the merit list. The details of eligibility criteria regarding disciplines, prescribed educational qualification, age and other eligibility criteria and application procedure is mentioned below:IOCL Recruitment 2016-17
Name of posts: Engineers/ Officers Educational qualification: Engineering Disciplines, Chemical Engineering (including Petrochemicals/Polymer/ Plastic Engineering but excluding Rubber/Oil/ Paint Technology/Surfactant Technology/Ceramics Engineering etc) Civil Engineering (excluding Construction/Environmental/Transportation etc.) Computer Science & Information Technology (excluding Information & Communications Technology) Electrical Engineering (including Electrical & Electronics engineering but excluding Electrical & Communication/Telecommunication Engineering/Power Engineering etc.) Electronics & Communications Engineering (including Electronics Engineering/ Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering but excluding Avionics Engineering/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering/ Electronics & Instrumentation engineering ) Instrumentation Engineering (including Electronics & Instrumentation engineering/ Instrumentation & Control Engineering but excluding Electronics & Communication Engineering/Telecommunication Engineering etc.) Mechanical Engineering (excluding Bio-medical Engineering/ Automation/Automobile/Industrial/ Manufacturing/ Power/ Production Engineering/ Mining Engg & Technology, Mining & Machinery/Marine Engineering/ Textile Engineering/ Robotics etc.) Metallurgical Engineering (Including Mineral/ Material Sciences) Polymer Science and Engineering (including Polymer Science & Engineering/ Petro- chemical Engineering/ Plastic Technology but excluding Oil/Paint/Surfactant/ Ceramics and Rubber Technology). Remuneration : Candidates selected as Engineers/ Officers will receive a starting basic pay of Rs. 24,900/- per month. In addition, the selected candidates will receive Dearness Allowance (DA) and other allowances, according to the rules of the Corporation in force, as amended from time to time. Age limit: Maximum 26 years as on 30th June, 2017 for general category candidates. Age relaxation for OBC (Non Creamy Layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates will be applicable as per the Presidential Directives. Selection process: Candidates Final Selection Will be on Interview / Test Gate 2017 Base. Examination Structure:- Section A – Engineering Mathematics
- General Aptitude
- Polymer Science and Engineering (Paper Code F) (Mandatory)
- Any other paper from XE paper section other than the papers mentioned above.