RailTel Corporation of India Recruitment 2016RailTel Corporation of India Ltd., a Mini Ratna (Category-I) PSU of the Ministry of Railways, invites applications from qualified, young and energetic Indian nationals for the posts of Assistant Engineers (on contract basis) for implementation of National Optic Fiber Network (NOFN) project covering Gujarat area as per details given below:
RailTel Corporation of India Assistant Engineer Jobs 2016
No. of Posts : 11
Name of Post :Education Qualification :
Diploma (3 years course) in Electronics; or Telecommunication/Communication; or Electrical; or Electrical & Electronics; or Electronics & Telecommunication/ Communication; or Electronics & Instrumentation; or Information Technology; or Computer Science with
minimum 55% marks, with
minimum 3 (three) year experience in the field of execution of Optical Fiber Cable or other telecom Infrastructure Projects and/or operation and maintenance of Optical Fiber Cable/equipment/network or other telecom infrastructure.
MCA/BE/B.Tech/B.Sc.(Engineering) in Electronics; or Telecommunication/ Communication; or Electrical; or Electrical & Electronics; or Electronics & Telecommunication/communications; or Electronics & Instrumentation; or Information Technology; or Computer Science with
minimum 55% marks, with
minimum 1 (one) year experience in the field of execution of Optical Fiber Cable or other telecom Infrastructure Projects and/or operation and maintenance of Optical Fiber Cable/ equipment/ network or other telecom infrastructure.
Qualification mentioned above should be through whole time regular mode and should be approved/ recognized by the statutory body (AIU/UGC/AICTE etc.)
Duration of contract: The contract will be initially for a period of
three years, extendable further till completion of the project, depending on the job requirement and performance of the employee.
Remuneration: Monthly remuneration of Rs.20000/- + EPF (employer’s contribution).
Selection procedure: The selection will be made through written test and /or interview of short-listed applicants at a place to be decided by RailTel.
Examination / application processing fee: Rs. 200/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST) through bank draft drawn in favour of RailTel Corporation of India Limited payable at New Delhi. Applicant should write his name and vacancy notice number on the back side of demand draft. Application not accompanied by the proper demand draft will be summarily rejected. Application fee once received in RailTel will not be returned under any circumstances.
How to apply: Interested & Eligible Candidates Applicants fulfilling the eligibility criteria and willing to be considered for the post should submit an application typed on A-4 size paper in the proforma given at
Annexure-I. The following should be superscribed on the left-hand side upper corner of the envelope containing the application: Name of the post: Assistant Engineer (Gujrat area) Vacancy notice no. : RCIL/2016/P&A/44/12 – WR
The application in the prescribed format, complete in all respects, along with self attested photograph, appropriate demand draft and self-attested photocopies of the following documents should be sent to
DGM (P&A), RailTel Corporation of India, Building no. 143, Sector-44, Gurgaon-122003 so as to reach
on or before 31-08-2016 (18:00 hrs.):
Important Dates :
Last Dates of Application Receipt 31/08/2016
[caption id="attachment_10188" align="alignleft" width="650"] RailTel Recruitment 2016, RailTel Assistant Engineers Jobs 2016[/caption]
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