RNTCP Recruitment 2016-17: RNTCP Jobs, RNTCP Ahmedabad Vacancies, RNTCP Gujarat Jobs, RNTCP Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2016, Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP), Ahmedabad Published its Recruitment Notification for the Post of Sr. DOTD Supervisor, Sr. Treatment Supervisor, Laboratory Supervisor, TB Health Visitor on its official website www.egovamc.com and http://ahmedabadcity.gov.in and other details about RNTCP Ahmedabad City Jobs 2016 mention below.
RNTCP Recruitment 2016-17 ~ http://ahmedabadcity.gov.in
Name of posts & Education :- Sr. DOTD-Plus and TBHIV Supervisor:
- Graduate.
- Sr. Treatment supervisor (STS):
- Bachelor’s Degree OR Recognized Sanitary Inspector’s course.
- Sr. Treatment Laboratory supervisor (STLS):
- Graduate. OR Diploma in Medical Laboratory
- Laboratory Technician:
- Intermediate(10+2) and diploma or certificate course in medical laboratory technology or equivalent.
- TB Health Visitor:
- Graduate or Intermediate (10+2)